Hej hopp! De har kommit några millimeter snö och genast blir allt ljusare! I går körde vi testrace, kan sammanfatta det med: seg åkning, dålig utförskörning och bra skytte. Jag tar med mig det sista! I dag var det lugnare träning med 5st korta intervaller i passet. Orderna från Wolfgang var att jag skulle hänga på Helena tills jag dog och det gjorde jag. Ja, jag dog inte men jobbigt var det! Nu blir det lugnare träning framtill onsdag då starten går!
it has snowed?? Yes yes yes!!!!! Finally! (not that I will ski or sth, but I just care for you guys)
SvaraRadera/if you have good shooting - everything else will come, I'm positive..
/aaaah, it's so close - so hard to concentrate on anything else right now.. good luck with last preparations!
17 hours left!!! Hope you're sleeping tight before tomorrows race, cause I can't... too excited..
SvaraRaderaSo you've got no 51, huh? Have just checked right now..
7 Swedish girls in the race, oh it's so cool!
Okej, lycka till imorgon (idag :).. Håller tummarna som vanligt!
wow, that was sth!!! Such nerves.. I was trembling the whole time :)
SvaraRaderaDouble swedish victory is sth to dream about, fantastic!
Sad for you, of course, but it will be better, it's just first start.. Your prone shooting is very good and skiing time also not bad (better than Bettan anyway and she's what 45th?).. So just standing left :)
ok, have a nice rest.. and I'm going to celebrate..