GRATTIS till killarna som vann sin stafett i dag! Alla gjorde en mycket bra insats! Lite extra beröm till Lidström som körde sin första wc-stafett och gjorde det utmärkt! Nu går bussen mot Vancover snart...
// aaahh, it went soooo good... almost till the end.. Though you made 5 positions up despite shooting, it means you're fast :) good luck in Khanty though, I'll never stop holding fingers crossed, maybe it will work eventually, you'll never know :) /Agne
de gjorde en grym insats allihopa!
SvaraRadera// aaahh, it went soooo good... almost till the end.. Though you made 5 positions up despite shooting, it means you're fast :)
SvaraRaderagood luck in Khanty though, I'll never stop holding fingers crossed, maybe it will work eventually, you'll never know :) /Agne